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My Background

Hello all! I am Brilon Anderson, the owner of The Finishing Touch. I have been working to support, empower and educate people of all age groups for over eight years now. Understanding that I would have never attained the level of success I have without dedicated, caring, and highly experienced educators pushing me forward and exposing me to opportunities for my future, I developed a deep passion for writing, storytelling, and authentic expression. Receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Ethnic Studies from UC San Diego exposed me to institutionalized inequities within our society and specifically within the education system. I learned that systems of school tracking, achievement gaps, inequitable funding, and the general non-prioritization of empowering our youth to communicate and write well essentially suppressed so many powerful voices. I later attended graduate school at Azusa Pacific University and obtained a Social Science Teaching Credential and a Master’s degree in Education. My passion for education is fueled by my drive to eradicate these institutionalized systems of oppression impacting our youth and young adults. I understand that transformation can start with one teacher and one student and it can create a rippling effect throughout an entire community. 

I understand that being a competent adult involves clear and effective communication. Thus, my primary goal in serving clients at The Finishing Touch is to empower, educate, and cultivate powerful speakers and writers using the education, wisdom, and expertise I have developed throughout my career. I can assure you that The Finishing Touch will help you realize your agency and the true power of your voice. I provide patient, creative, engaging, and professional writing support and special writing services. Together we will work to craft finished products that you can be confident and proud of while honoring the full authenticity and integrity of your own thoughts. Contact me or book a consultation today so we can reach your goals together!

ABOUT: About
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